James Mead
Mocking 'each' method with yields/multiple_yields behaves incorrectly under JRubywas updated by James MeadWednesday Jun 26
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Mock objects should be more of a BlankSlate and no inherit Object instance methods by defaultwas updated by James Mead 02:23 PM ticket -
Get Ruby 1.9.2 build working on Continuity Appwas updated by James Mead 01:55 PM ticket -
doc generation fails in 0.9.7 gemwas updated by James Mead 01:52 PM ticket -
after mocha update from 0.9.5 to 0.9.6 unit tests fails to executewas updated by James MeadMonday Mar 04
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failed expectation not flunking spec was updated by James Mead
Tuesday Jan 24
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failed expectation not flunking spec was updated by James Mead
Thursday Dec 29
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Mocking 'each' method with yields/multiple_yields behaves incorrectly under JRuby was updated by James Mead
Sunday Feb 27
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Consider changing method dispatch beh... was created by James Mead
Sunday Feb 06
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Improve documentation for method disp... was created by James Mead 10:59 AM ticket